Hello there everyone, here we have rendered some scenes for sneak peaks! ;)
BoBoiBoy's neighbourhood, the road to his school. Houses in the future look a little different from modern day ones but still retain the same basic shape.
This is the playground where BoBoiBoy comes and plays with his friends. One day however BoBoiBoy found a secret entrance in his playground that leads him into...
BoBoiBoy's secret underground base.It is here where BoBoiBoy found his special orange hat that gives him unique powers.Who built this base and why is it hidden underneath a playground? Stay tuned for more answers.
For more, check out BoBoiBoy's Facebook. Thank you for being his friend at Facebook and Twitter, he is extremely happy in meeting so many new friends in such a short time ;) You guys and gals are such a sport! Thanks again, have a nice dinner ;)
As you guys may or may not have heard, BoBoiBoy has unique super powers. He can shoot lightning, control earth and manipulate wind. Ultimately he can split into three twins with each powers. Sounds like a great skill as a kid isn't it ?

For more, check out BoBoiBoy's Facebook. Thank you for being his friend at Facebook and Twitter, he is extremely happy in meeting so many new friends in such a short time ;) You guys and gals are such a sport! Thanks again, have a nice dinner ;)
October 14, 2009 at 10:08 PM
rorrr nice2!
October 15, 2009 at 11:13 AM
October 15, 2009 at 2:07 PM
rawr!! nice2 :D
October 15, 2009 at 4:47 PM
HEBAT2.. simple tapi nice
October 15, 2009 at 9:29 PM
Thank you everyone whoopee!!
October 16, 2009 at 9:08 AM
kool...ada job freelance? i'm working right across the street from where you guys work...lalala~
October 16, 2009 at 4:12 PM
across the street? SME1?
October 16, 2009 at 6:54 PM
October 16, 2009 at 6:57 PM
ada job freelance ke? satosan75@yahoo.com. expertise in modeling
October 17, 2009 at 8:33 PM
nape muka dia mcm tiah ingat.com.my? cuma rambut ngan kale je lain ckit..
October 17, 2009 at 9:36 PM
Thanks kepada semua yang komen! :D Don't worry pasal freelance work. Kami baru je setup Animonsta jadi kalau ada kekosongan, kami akan advertise reqruitment kat blog. Stay tuned!
October 18, 2009 at 12:42 AM
Aku rasa isu korang ni akan berterusan (keluar LCP)...
Kami peminat berhak tahu.
Korang ni dah kira jadi STAR
Artist pon kalah..
Kami faham, memang isu peribadi antara korang tak perlu dihebohkan...
Tapi kami rakyat Malaysia ni masih blur dan tak puas hati atas isu ni....
Apa kata korang buat press conference ajak sekali board LCP dan nyatakan persefaham dan hala tuju masing2
Dua2 pihak mesti ada...
Sekarang ni yg masuk paper satu pihak je...
Bila kami rakyat Malaysia lihat persefahaman ni, baru lah tak timbul cakap2 belakang atau andaian2 lain... Kalau tak, ko percaya la cakap aku, dekat ruang komen blog ni atau LCP mesti saling perang......GUA CADANG NIZAM SAMA ATOK IN PRESS CONFERENCE
Apa yang penting kita sama2 maju...
INSPIDEA dah lama WORLD, low profile jer
October 18, 2009 at 6:24 PM
Animonst memang Power...best lah. mari semua kita sokong BBB
October 18, 2009 at 6:26 PM
Peminat dah banyak tanye bila nak tayang kat TV,cantik lah BBB. Teruskan teruskan buat pecah rekod sekali lagi. Go Nizam Go..
October 18, 2009 at 6:30 PM
Genius lah Nizam, Anas, Safuan dan Yong Pin dlm Industry 3D ni. Harap kau org tujukan yg kau org memang No 1 dlm Malaysia dan kat Asia Tenggara ni dlm Film Animasi.Pasti BBB akan dpt sambutan hangat dari peminat
October 19, 2009 at 11:36 AM
Cerita BBB ni nanti biar berkonsepkan 1 Malaysia agar dpt diterima semua kaum jgn terlalu fokus 1 bangsa je.Klu semua kaum miant ke BBB nanti jumlah penuntun akan bertambah moga U all berjaya
October 19, 2009 at 11:44 AM
Sya cadangkan...kopitian Tok Aba tu tiru macam kedai kopi kat Johor.Kita org Johor kedai kopi taukey bangsa Cina buat air dan taukey Melayu buat sate mee rebus..kan bagus cara ni Muhhibah namanya
October 19, 2009 at 11:52 AM
Dgr2 nizam lahir di muar Johor,kalau ada masa gi lah pekan muar tengok mcmane cadangan kawan kita tadi tu,memang betul katanya.Orang muar dah berkurun muhibbah dah lama amalkan 1 Malaysia ni. Dlm 1 kedai kopi ada 2 atau 3 bangsa taukeynya.Pengunjungnya pun terdiri dari semua kaum dari kedai kopi mcm inilah lahirnya perasaan muhibbah antara kaum...datanglah ke muar...jgn tak datang
October 19, 2009 at 11:55 AM
Hidup ANIMONSTA....Hidup Johor..Hidup JOhor FC...ha..ha..
Bakal Peminat BBB dan Peminat Johor FC
October 19, 2009 at 2:58 PM
bukan bakal peminat ... memang dah minat pun